MM N 665. A tongue-in-cheek poem
A tongue-in-cheek poem scattered with 'spaghetti' Latin phrases. “Oh beauteous land/ in specto nori saltro”.
A tongue-in-cheek poem scattered with 'spaghetti' Latin phrases. “Oh beauteous land/ in specto nori saltro”.
Oh beauteous land
oh virtuous Land –
in specto nori saltro
I ventured to snatch a
Maiden in that Land
Oh salto mortale in alto
In the Eyes of that Land
that Maiden was not old
a mere thirty or so to date
Oh thirty mortale
Yet a Virginal portale
that Young Lady had
managed to make –
But salto mortale
in specto frontale
the act she wished to repeat
So salto mortale
In letto virginale
a carnal craze replete
Gunnargo el Heibergo